Absolute Safety

Training Program Title : Occupational First Aid Refresher.

Aim: To provide each participant with the necessary skills to provide immediate treatment to a person who has been injured or taken suddenly ill, prior to the arrival of the medical services (Ambulance or Doctor). To provide treatment to an injured / ill person where no further medical treatment is required.

Methodology: Interactive, Practical and theoretical.

Delivery: 8 hours (1 day)

 Number of Tutors: 1 Tutor

Maximum Number of Participants: 10

Main Topics Covered:

  • Cardiac Emergencies (Including AED & CFR DVD).
  • Respiratory Emergencies.
  • Patient Assessment.
  • Treatment of Foreign Body Airway obstruction (FBAO) (Adult).
  • Wounds & Bleeding.
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries.
  • First Aid in the Workplace.
  • Altered levels of Consciousness.
  • Burns, Scalds, Chemical Poisoning.

Qualification: Upon successful completion of the course (Written & Practical Assessment) each participant will receive a FETAC level 5 Occupational First Aid Certificate.